Mission Statement: As a member of the Outer Alliance, I advocate for queer speculative fiction and those who create, publish and support it, whatever their sexual orientation and gender identity. I make sure this is reflected in my actions and my work.
I became a straight ally of the community not long after the realization hit me that a good number of my closest college friends were in various stages of being "out". Whether they were open and frank or still in the stage of denying rumors I look back on those relationships and how they helped define me as a person and as a writer. Recently, I had the privilege of working with a great team of grassroots activists in The Great Kiss-In for Equality and was joined by my husband of 16 years and our three young boys for the Philadelphia, PA event on August 15, 2009.
I've been a dreamer and ponderer all my life. Twenty years ago I began "The Book of Ara". Though it started out set in cold war Russia, it is now a collection of memoirs and commentaries within the Fantasy/SF genre. One of the voices of the blog is Misha, a middle-aged page to a rather unaccomplished General but highly revered member of the clergy. Misha recounts, among other things, his on-again-off-again involvement with the General and his time as one of the two lovers of a boisterous, larger-than-life buffoon of a king. The other lover is the king's mistress Fen who does a major part of the contributions to the blog and has the uncanny knack of making almost any situation about her. Other narratives and commentaries are provided by: a bipolar king, a closeted army doctor and a relentless activist within the royal family.
This blog is a WIP and I'm always looking for possible collaborators. You've already noticed the adult content disclosure, but I assure you the actual writing, other than the sacrificial killings and occasional fetish scene, are rather demure.
Wendy's contact info:
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